Fill in the email address and the pincode you received when you became a member.
Would you like to train with us?
Buy the membership that best suits you online, using your bank card. Your new membership is activated automatically, and you can start training right away.
Did you receive a digital trial voucher? That’s great! Click on the adjacent button to activate your trial membership.
Buy a service clipcard for personal training sessions, additional access or other services we provide. All you have to do is register, choose the service clipcard you want and pay for it online with a bank card. It only takes a few seconds and you can start using it as soon as the online payment is processed.
Download our member app, and you'll have all the info you need on your phone.
Stay in touch with our gym, purchase memberships, check your account info and book your favorite classes on the go.
After you install the app enter the club activation code URBANGYM